How to pack the perfect beach bag

Next time you're planning a trip to the beach, remember these tips that will guarantee a successful day at the ocean. The basics It's not always easy to pack for a beach, especially when you don't know where you're going. The best way to ensure your bag is easily manageable and won't contain anything that you'll need later on, is to be prepared in advance. Whether this is your first time or not, follow these tips to prepare yourself well for the vacation that will make all others pale in comparison! First off: travel light! This means packing only those items that are necessary and desired (which shouldn't be much) and being aware of how many items will fit comfortably into the bag without leaving anything behind or becoming uncomfortable. Second, know what items you'll want with you on the go (sunscreen, snacks). Beach vacations are all about being outside in nature. Therefore, it's best to invest in a bag that will be able to protect your belongi...