How to pack the perfect beach bag
Next time you're planning a trip to the beach, remember these tips that will guarantee a successful day at the ocean.
The basics
It's not always easy to pack for a beach, especially when you don't know where you're going. The best way to ensure your bag is easily manageable and won't contain anything that you'll need later on, is to be prepared in advance. Whether this is your first time or not, follow these tips to prepare yourself well for the vacation that will make all others pale in comparison!
First off: travel light! This means packing only those items that are necessary and desired (which shouldn't be much) and being aware of how many items will fit comfortably into the bag without leaving anything behind or becoming uncomfortable. Second, know what items you'll want with you on the go (sunscreen, snacks).
Beach vacations are all about being outside in nature. Therefore, it's best to invest in a bag that will be able to protect your belongings from things like moisture and dirt. A beach backpack is your safest bet, especially if you're not intending on using a traditional backpack. Regardless, go with waterproof bags or ones that can be transported by means of an airline that has a designated hard-shell suitcase policy.
Creating a checklist
Put your swimming goggles in your bag and bring along a tankini top so that you're well equipped as soon as you arrive at the shoreline. If it's not too cold out yet, put on your swimming fins and dive into the waves right away! Don't forget your sunscreen, towel, and a beach ball to make sure you and your friends are having a blast!
Here's a checklist of items you should remember to pack in your beach bag: sunscreen, sunglasses, bathing suit, beach towel, shorts or pants, T-shirts and tankini tops, flip-flops, or sandals (depending on how close you are to the water), swim goggles. Do you have everything? If not then you may be missing out on some great laughs with your friends that day! Remember these tips for the next time you're planning a trip to the beach.
Over to you
Before you're done with your swim, grab a towel and dry yourself off. Throw your wet towel in the bag so that you can easily put it in there next time.
Bring a water bottle to replenish water as needed, and make sure to fill it up with ice for the cool, refreshing feeling. Pack some snacks like granola bars, apples, and bananas so that you don't get hungry. Don't forget to pack your sunblock so that you avoid sunburns.
After the beach, do not forget to clean your gear and dry them properly so that bacteria don't start to breed on your items. Your towel should go through a hot wash cycle in the washing machine in addition to regular cleaning.
The next time you plan on going for a day at the beach remember these tips and enjoy yourself!
If you want to buy all necessary stuff like tankini tops, goggles, finis, swimsuits for women, men & kids. You can Choose that at the Swimwear Shack.
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