How To Practice For Triathlon?

Getting ready and training for a triathlon is not as challenging as you may think. You will be able to do it even if you are physically fit. Most people do not believe it, but you will be able to train and get ready for your first triathlon without any fitness. The good thing is that you do not have to give up on life or spend a lot of money to make it happen. You will have to practice and be patient as you prepare for it. To help you out, we have listed some of the best tips and information to help you train for your first triathlon from scratch.


The Essential Gear

For beginners, you will need to have essential equipment. It would be better to get triathlon wetsuits. You should get:


  • Swimsuits

  • Goggles

  • Swimming cap

  • A bicycle

  • Cycling shorts

  • Cycling shoes

  • Water bottle

  • Running shoes

As mentioned earlier, you will not have to spend a lot of money on these; you can get these from your local shop and do not think of getting branded items.


Time Commitment

If the fitness has been dormant, you should give yourself some weeks to get back in shape and reduce the risk of injury. In those weeks, you will get the chance to position the tendons, endurance, and ligaments so that you can enjoy your race. If you commit to training about 5 days a week and 2-4 hours a week, it is more than enough time to get back in shape.

Build Cycling Technique

When you have your orca wetsuits in Sydney, it is time for you to build up your technique. When cycling, you should think of your foot moving along the pedals like a clock. From the pedal stroke top to the bottom, for the best speed, you should use your quads and glutes, as they will help you to push down. Pretend to go from 5-7 o'clock that you're escaping to the bottom of the shoe and keep the foot flat. 

It would help if you practiced shifting seamlessly from gears on the bike. It will be needed when you come across the hills. It would help if you tried to ride outdoors as much as possible and get familiar with the road rules associated with cycling.

Build Swimming Technique

With your tankini tops, you should now develop your swimming technique. When you are swimming, keep the most imperative thing in mind: put your head down. Try to imagine that you have a rod or dowel that will go through the top of the head to the feet. 

For the triathletes, the most essential thing to have in mind is to breathe bilaterally. To adjust the venue, you should keep the water conditions to your mind and look at other swimmers around you. It would be best to practice sighting to stay on course during the training. 


Following these best tips will help you dominate the course and practice winning. Make sure to stay consistent, as, without it, you will not be able to get in shape. Staying in shape is one of the essential things to have with the triathlon.

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