How Do Swimming Suits Improves Swimming Performance
Swimming is the best activity you can do to get in shape. But why do people wear such tight swimsuits? In this blog, we will find out the reason and science behind them to know how much difference a quality swimsuit can make to any swimmer's performance.
Swimming suits are basically made to improve your swimming performance. Drag is the main barrier that has to be overcome when moving through water.
Drag is something you continuously deal with, when you're in the air, walking or jogging you can easily get over it. Hold your hand (of course with caution) out the window of a moving car to see how powerful drag can be.
Drag is the action of the backward pressure imparted to your hands. It may also be extremely powerful.
Drag becomes a bigger problem when trying to move through a heavier medium, like water. Since water is rather slippery, it might be a major issue for any marine vessel to move at greater speeds. Even a slight increase in drag resistance for swimmers can improve their race.
In this case, swimsuits can highly improve your swimming performance by supporting your movements. Swimsuits are fitted tightly to the body to help control the wearer's body shape. It helps to make them more hydrodynamic.
Quality swimsuits also have water-repellent materials that increase the ability to minimize drag. You do not have to be an athlete to notice the difference.
How do swimsuits help you swim faster?
One feature of swimwear that makes you swim faster has already been mentioned above, they are tight on the body. They help o make your stroke smooth by reducing drag.
To further reduce drag in the water, many professional swimmers also remove their body hair. They usually wear caps as well to protect their heads and tuck their ears in.
However, the compression provided by swimwear can also help in reducing the accumulation of lactic acid in your muscles. When you engage in aerobic activity like swimming, the major cause of your muscles feeling fatigued or getting a stitch is lactic acid.
The high-quality swimsuits are created using specifically crafted materials that offer slight but significant advantages over less costly alternatives.
Today's swimsuits are often manufactured of nylon or spandex. Both of these synthetic fibers are hydrophobic by nature and help to make the suit tight. This quality makes them water-resistant, which can up to 8% reduce the effects of drag.
They push water away from them and let swimmers"cut" through the water.
Moreover, their creases are created specifically to enhance swimming performance. The materials held together in the garment play a vital role.
Seams that are glued rather than stitched can help to reduce drag by up to 6%.
The most advanced suits even try to make replicate sharks' dermal denticles. This improves their ability to reduce drag and accelerate speed.
One thing you should look for in a swimsuit is quality, whether you are a professional or a beginner. Because quality can make a huge difference. You can buy quality swimsuits from swimwear shack they have a variety of Swimwear.
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